Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Religious Right Is AWOL From The Real War

By Chuck Baldwin
July 23, 2008

I want to begin this column with one of my all-time favorite quotes. It
comes from the great German reformer Martin Luther. He said, "If I profess
with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of
God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at
that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be
professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier
is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight
and disgrace if he flinches at that point."

Luther's trenchant statement reminds us that today's Christians, especially
our Christian leaders, are conspicuously absent from the field of battle.
Oh, they may host large crowds in their gatherings; they may deposit
multiplied millions of dollars in their financial accounts; they may receive
thunderous applause from politicians, but they have fled the battlefield at
the point of attack.

For the record, the real battlefield today is not abortion. It is not
homosexual marriage. It is not Social Security. It is not al Qaeda. It is
not taxes. It is not inflation. It is not electing conservatives. It is not
posting the Ten Commandments. It is not even the high cost of gasoline. That
is not to say that those issues are not important and not deserving of our
best efforts and attention, because they are. But those issues do not
represent the major battlefield today.

The battlefield where the devil has amassed his greatest forces and is
thrusting his deadliest armies is the surrender of our national sovereignty
and independence, and the creation of global government. And it is our own
political and corporate leaders that are facilitating this chicanery.
Furthermore, by refusing to oppose this surrender, our Christian leaders are
complicit as well.

Obviously, the surrender of our independence has been ongoing for some time.
However, under Bill Clinton and especially under G.W. Bush, the pace has
quickened exponentially.

Doubtless, the biggest reason President Bush has more aggressively hastened
the pace of America's merger into supranational government is because he
enjoys widespread support among evangelical Christians. Absent opposition
from Christian leaders, G.W. Bush has virtually had a free hand. And please
know this: before Bush was a Republican, before he was a "conservative,"
before he was a Christian, he was and is a globalist, as was his father and
grandfather before him.

Because our national Christian leaders are content to revel in the lap of
political cronyism with President Bush (and the Republican Party), they have
abandoned their positions as watchmen on the wall. Instead of being watchmen
and heralds of truth, they have become political lackeys and toadies for the

Now, just yesterday, James Dobson declares that he "might" support John
McCain. This in spite of the fact that only a few months ago Mr. Dobson
promised, "I cannot and I will not vote for Sen. John McCain as a matter of

Ah, but that is just the problem: when it comes to groveling before the GOP,
our Christian leaders have no conscience. Hence, James Dobson is now
publicly saying he "might" support McCain.

The ones who are doing the yeoman's work in trying to warn the American
people to what is happening in regard to the surrender of our country's
liberties and independence are people such as Congressman Ron Paul and Dr.
Jerome Corsi.

Many of you know Corsi as the man who co-authored the Number 1 New York
Times best-seller, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against
John Kerry."

Jerome Corsi holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science. He
is not some fringe-radical (not that Harvard hasn't produced its own
radicals). Religiously, my understanding is that Corsi is either a Roman
Catholic or Episcopalian. However, Corsi is doing what James Dobson, Tony
Perkins, et al. should be doing, but aren't: he is sounding the trumpet of
truth for the real battlefield.

In a nutshell, Corsi warns us that G.W. Bush is secretly working to merge
the United States into a trilateral government with Canada and Mexico. Corsi
maintains that back in March of 2005, President Bush, Mexican President
Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin entered into an
agreement that binds the three countries into a regional or hemispheric

Corsi insists that this is one of the central reasons why Bush is so adamant
about granting amnesty to Mexico's illegal aliens. Bush is simply following
through with his commitment to Fox and Martin.

Corsi also notes that this new hemispheric entity already has a name. It is
called the North American Union (NAU), and it is being created without any
input (or even knowledge) from our legislative or judicial branches of
government. The official name of the agreement made between the three
leaders is the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" (SPP).
Obviously, the new NAU is modeled after the already established European
Union (EU).

Folks, please be aware that President Bush has already committed the United
States to a regional or hemispheric government. When completed, this
regional government will control everything relative to the "security" and
"prosperity" of this new North American Union. That includes everything
relating to travel, law enforcement, trade, education, military matters,
etc. So, what is left out? Nothing.

Please remember, too, that all of this is being done without any input from
the American people or their elected representatives at the state or federal
level. I would even dare say that the vast majority of congressmen and
senators are completely oblivious to the fact that this is even happening.
With the attention of the American people (and Congress) focused on the
Middle East, Bush and his cabal of elitists are moving forward with plans to
surrender our national independence and merge our country into a regional
government. Friends, this is the real war; this is the real battlefield.

When America loses its sovereignty and independence, we will lose all of our
fundamental liberties. The Constitution will be meaningless and irrelevant.
The Bill of Rights will be moot. The principles of religious liberty, the
right to life, and the Christian foundation of our country will be passé.
And, as I said at the outset of this column, our national leaders,
especially our Christian leaders, are totally absent from this battlefield.

The surrender of our national sovereignty and independence is where the
battle currently rages; it is where the devil is at this moment attacking
(to quote Luther). But where is the Religious Right? They have flinched and
fled in the face of battle. They would rather hold onto their precious perks
of power within the ivory towers of partisan politics. Luther is right:
their actions are disgraceful.

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(c) Chuck Baldwin


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