Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4, 2008

Well, it is now the 4th of July! There have been fireworks, picnics and lots of friends and laughter, BUT I found it hard to laugh! Let alone smile, as I remember what the fourth of July is celebrating. It is summer yes, but the fourth is about the Independence of the United States of America! As we celebrate this year, we are looking at voting into the office of President a Facist, Warmonger or a Communist, Socialist loyal to another Continent!

How do I smile when I know these things? Well, before the evening was out. I was smiling, while playing an air soft battle with four teen and preteen boys. We were sneaking through the darkness trying not to be seen and take out the other team! The boys were doing good and learning how to work as a team. Providing cover fire as others advanced, maneuvering through the shadows and the high grass to get a better shot. Indian style fighting! This is what our Founding Fathers did for real, fighting for Freedom and Liberty, not a game of Air Soft! This battle for Freedom and Liberty is on the verge of happening again! So teach the children, that they may be FREE Again!

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