Friday, October 31, 2008


By Greg Evensen

October 31, 2008

After the last week of market disasters and scenes of mobs clamoring for just a glimpse of Barack Hussein Obama, I had all of these thoughts fresh in my mind as I ended my radio show and finally fell asleep last Saturday. My last conscious thoughts were of the dark clouds coming ashore in America and what our response to martial law, shortages, imprisoned patriots, and riots would be......

I seemed to be present as military leaders exclaimed during heated campaigns, over the great map of America, “the battle lines are becoming clear.” I saw riflemen on the field of combat as they whispered to each other at four a.m., “I can smell ‘em coming.” The meaning was the same. All hell was about to break out. Indeed my fellow patriots, constitutionalists, and true citizens of the failing Republic, HELL IS staring you in the eyeballs.

As much as it has truly pained me to the core, I have come to the irreconcilable fact that on Election Day, the line will be drawn. We will no longer argue amicably about politics or the latest imbecilic actions occurring in Washington, our statehouses, or in court rooms. We are considering for the first time in our lives, the unthinkable. That is, my neighbor, my associates in the office, my cousin, or my fellow citizen has become my potential enemy. They have betrayed me and what is left of my grandfather’s country.

I am faced with the certain realization that no matter how I may try to sugar coat it, this time -- those who voted or supported the socialist left, the democrats, the liberals, the “elitists” in the universities and business, the apostate “liberation theology” or do nothing church, and politics everywhere--are my enemy. It can be stated in no other terms. That’s a fact, Jack.

To all those who have supported the constant killing of the unborn, entitlements for those who don’t deserve them, for assisting undocumented illegals, to corrupted politicians, sanctuary cities, to USDA agents forcing the implantation of chips into the livestock herds of America, to those pushing social security numbers and locator chips on newborns, to thieves who forced an unconstitutional income tax on “sovereign” American workers, for the loss of privacy, the restraint of second amendment natural rights, to BATFE master search and arrest warrants, to SWAT teams and Taser Thugs in every hamlet in the land, to all of the homosexual rights fanatics and bullies who use their perverted lifestyles to intimidate my grandchildren in school and in the parks, to drug dealers who employ minority kids in Obama’s south Chicago neighborhoods, and the young men and women in our military who are now mercenaries trained to rove our streets when the first shots are fired and produce body counts similar to the ones in Iraq, you have become my potential enemy.

The despicable power mad scurrilous maggots who have created this mess deserve a hole in hell deeper than the rest. They have already destroyed my family’s national ideals, my community’s cohesion, and our collective futures. They have aided and abetted the national calamity that has unfolded during the past seven weeks. The banks and investment houses, the stock market and derivatives, have all waltzed us off the pier into a thousand feet of cold dark water from which there is no return. The bankers, still standing safely on the wharf, have begged us in the water to throw them our lifejackets so that we can drown while they offer to sell us back the life vests we already had. In the meantime they ordered lobster while we dined on saltwater. Is this absurd picture, clear and painful enough?

In no small measure this IS the America we inhabit at this moment. While I do not know at this time who will be elected, I suspect it may well be Barack Hussein Obama. If that is the case, then my opening premise is correct. Those of you who have anointed this socialist, Muslim sympathizing, gun rights hating, Mexican illegals embracing, abortion loving charmer as POTUS, you are not only the most stupid generation of Americans who have ever lived, you are the most dangerous. You have single-handedly embraced your own destruction. For including me in that, I detest your actions and see you as my enemy. What else can I think?


Am I picking a fight? Pretty much. Might as well, one’s coming down the street anyway. You have been warned. You have been told of the consequences of your actions. McCain is not the answer, no matter how “appealing” Sarah Palin might appear. Chuck Baldwin is the only candidate that deserves my vote. Chuck can and will do the job and we can thank God Almighty that he is in the running. Vote what is right, not what you think is your only choice. Baldwin’s Constitutional Party is the only truly American party that is left. All the others are wasted losers and nut jobs.

American patriots you need to decide what your battle plans are. You can not wait any longer. Are you stored up? Are you prayed up? Have you stayed up figuring it all out? Have you decided that the time has come for you to take that same principled stand that your founders took to establish this FREE nation in the first place? Have you decided who your true enemies are? Are you tired of the bankers running it, ruining it and then demanding we pay up for their greed? Are you sick over this nation finalizing its socialistic stance nationalizing the infrastructure of the county and Obama as an open socialist/communist/radical presidential candidate? Will you resist the “state’s” efforts to take you in and deprive you of your freedoms? Will you try to work with patriotic police officers and American armed forces that will fight with you? Will you stand firm when they shut off your supplies? Will you resist in the cold and in the dark? Will you go all the way to a constitutional victory? Can you dress your own wounds? Can you jog a half mile? Will you be able to live without commonplace things you have grown accustomed to having any time you wanted them?

Minutemen and the militia were responsible for their own arms, ammunition and supplies. Can you muster with others and provide the essentials? Can you carry all that you need for two to three days at a time? Can you sleep with your back to a tree on cold, wet ground? Can you be still for an hour or two just watching and listening? How will you communicate with your fellow patriots—safely? When the bad guys start shooting, what will you do? Will you give away your position by firing randomly to “scare” them off? Will you remain defensive and not set yourself up for being killed? Will you learn how to move with stealth? Can you disarm someone and take them as a prisoner? What then? Have you organized with others to defend what is yours and theirs? Can you shoot and then seek good cover so you can survive another shot? Do you have a back-up retreat line and then another so that you can get out when you have to? Do you take your wounded with you? How? It’s not like the movies. When martial law is declared, can you and will you do these things or will you be rounded up by the hundreds of thousands each day? Many will resist for about as long as it took you to eat lunch. This is the new reality, friends. It may soon be your own personal reality as well.

Ultimately, the bad guys are counting on you being weak, uncommitted, and afraid. They want you to believe that their superiority in initial numbers, training and equipment will take you out in minutes. Let me tell you something confidential. American police officers are used to overwhelming criminal groups of one, two, three, or four. Not twenty, thirty, fifty or one hundred determined well armed citizens who are otherwise first class community stand-outs. A whole department of twenty-five officers would not stand a chance against one hundred solid minutemen.

I do not want it to come to that, but those are real scenarios. Muster five hundred or a thousand and an entire state police department is going to need regular army troops with air assault assets to have a chance. AND THEY KNOW IT! Multiply patriot numbers 1000 times that and the good guys win! Then we rebuild………at least that is where I saw it going.

Foreign troops? So what? They understand determined resistance and the costs involved for their side as well. You’ll have Green Berets fighting with you if that happens. Where the good guys lose, is when they don’t organize, think, and carry out precision guided strategies. Guerilla warfare is well planned and executed.

About the time I imagined a real rout of these traitorous snakes, I realized my twilight sleep was bringing me back to the real world. I had a strange mix of apprehension, relief, excitement and dread all in the same moment. The worst feeling though, was of the great loss of potential that this nation held for so many decades. I realized what we had done to the efforts of so many Americans who fought and died believing they were doing it for an America that was true to its heritage. I looked out my window to see peace and solitude---for the moment. My day long prayer was that it will remain peaceful, but I fear that we are--in the words of those seasoned command officers--seeing the battle lines being drawn very clearly, now. And like that entrenched rifleman I, too, “can smell ‘em coming.”

Sure am glad it was all---------------------------just a dream.

© 2008 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

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Greg Evensen is an award winning former Kansas State Trooper and Kansas Marshal. He speaks across the nation for Patriot groups and is available to come to your area as well. Call 906-367-0505 or e-mail him at

Greg’s weekly radio show, “Voices from the Heartland” is heard on the Republic Broadcasting Network each Saturday from 12 noon to 2:00 pm Central time.

Download the exciting “Power Pad” from Greg’s web-site, Web-cam e-mail is available at “Power Pad” as well. This is a FREE download. If the internet goes dark, this massive program will keep your children home-schooled. There are full copies of the Bible and many other features designed for your use. Join the tens of thousands who have already placed the “Power Pad” on their desktop. It is essential to do this and it’s FREE!! God bless you, each one!

Website: TheHeartLandUSA


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the NWO

This is What we are fighting, and the Financial Crisis will be used to usher it in. No Matter WHO IS ELECTED!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What To Expect When Martial Law Is Declared

Timothy K. Perry

(Editor's Note: In January, 2005 I penned a missive that I called Paradise Lost. In the body of that essay I portended the following: "Right before the stock market melts down, the real estate bubble will go kabloowie, Fannie and Freddy will go up in a puff of smoke, and the domestic banking system will come to a screeching halt. The Fed will mindlessly continue to keep the presses running for as long as they can, (after all, that's all they know how to do). The erosion of the buying power of dollars will accelerate exponentially. From an American economic standpoint, we will have arrived at "end game".
I have since taken my share of flack for those outrageous predictions. Mr. Perry's almost unthinkable suggestion that martial law is on the horizon probably sounds pretty far fetched to most of you. It is unthinkable to 97% of the population. Those sheeple, in their denial, are the biggest part of the problem. Denial is not a river in Africa. The maniacs that caused the present crisis are still calling the shots. These people are insane criminals and are capable of the most contemptuous acts imaginable. Martial Law is Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You After The World-Wide Economic Collapse. - JSB)

After the coming economic financial collapse, a state of world-wide martial law will be declared. Considering the current events which are in direct alignment with documented plans for totalitarian one-world government, (white paper plans published by the Tri-Lateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and Club of Rome), martial law will be imposed without official dissent upon the various countries of the world. Martial law is military rule imposed upon civilian populations in a time of war or during a (sic) "State of Emergency". The following elements can be expected to occur once the t.v. news anchors tell people not to panic, but that a State of Emergency has been declared due to the crash, and a (sic) temporary state of martial law has been declared, which will be rescinded once the State of Emergency has passed.

What the news people won't tell you is that given the history of martial law, the suspension of such a draconian state is far more difficult to achieve than its original imposition. Esteemed reader, ask yourself the question, why dictator or group of dictators ever voluntarily relinquished their dictatorial powers? I'm searching really hard through the history files of the world to find out the handful of amazing people who did so. So far, all I can find is George Washington who declined being elected "King".

Whenever the "Powers That Be" decide to impose martial law, the following items can be expected:


Under martial law, the U.S. Constitution is suspended and the citizens immediately lose all the protections, safeguards, and human rights guaranteed by that document. The citizens also lose every rights and privileges granted under The Bill of Rights. The constitutions of other countries will likewise be suspended with similar conditions imposed upon the citizens of those other countries.


Anyone caught outside after curfew can be shot dead. There are no exceptions for personal emergencies unless of course, these people have some sort of official written permission or are in possession of other material which gives them a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.


This means that soldiers can bust into your house, or arrest you on the street without warrants, and can throw you into prison without explanation or access to legal counsel. They can hold you there for months, even years, since there are no time limits imposed on how long you can be imprisoned.


Armed forces can invade your home and force you to surrender any weapons you have, regardless of your constitutional right or need to bear arms for your self-defense. If you refuse, you could be shot dead in your living room, and all your possessions seized. If you're lucky, you might just get Tasered, or butt-ended with an AK-47, to eventually wake up in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) Detention Center with a Prison Identification Number which you will go by as a "name" instead of your old name, the one on your birth certificate.


This means that under the excuse of "requisitioning", soldiers can kick you out of your home, and seize both your home, all the contents inside that home, as well as any vehicles, or other items you have on your grounds. They also can claim the actual real estate of the acreage as well. If you refuse or resist in some way well....I guess you can fill in the blanks or use your imagination.

The following list of Executive Orders have already been signed by past U.S. presidents are in effect immediately upon declaration of a national State of Emergency or Martial Law:

Executive Order 10995: All communications media will be taken over by federal authority: radio, television, websites, newspapers, even CB and Ham radio systems. Freedom of expression, otherwise known as the First Amendment will be canceled until further notice.

Executive Order 10997: All fossil fuels, related substances as well as all electrical power, both corporate as well as privately owned devices and generators will be seized by the federal government.

Executive Order 10998: All food, means to produce such food and related products and machinery, warehouses and collectives which obviously include corporate and private farms will be seized by the government. You will not be allowed to hoard food since this is regulated. If you are caught hoarding food, you could be shot dead, or perhaps you will be lucky enough to be Tasered, knocked to the ground, sent to a FEMA camp and be immediately classified as a "domestic terrorist", otherwise known as an "Enemy of the State".

Executive Order 10999: All modes of transportation will be placed under complete government control. Any vehicle can be seized.

Executive Order 11000: All civilians will be drafted into forced labor which the t.v. anchors will euphemistically call "volunteer labor" at a variety of designated work places or camps under federal supervision. Go watch old film reels of the slave labor images under Nazi prison camps, or if you prefer, go watch a copy of Cool Hand Luke with Paul Newman, to get a more modern updated "American flavor" of what it's like to be part of a slave labor chain gang. Of course, you must always remember, that if you go against the Boss, you will be accused of "A Failure To Communicate."

Executive Order 11490: Absolute dictatorial "presidential" control will be exercised over all US citizens, business as well as church institutions during a State of Emergency where martial law is declared necessary.

Executive Order 12919: At the direction of the president, this Executive Order allows various Cabinet officials to take over all aspects of the US economy during a State of National Emergency.

Executive Order 13010: This Executive Order allows FEMA to take control over all other government agencies.

Executive Order 12656: "Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities" - This order allows for the declaration of a State of Emergency during natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergencies that seriously threaten the national security of the United States. This order allows for total, unquestioned federal takeover of every local police enforcement agencies, as well as local price fixing and wages. It also forbids reassignment of personal financial assets within or outside of the United States.

All in all, it makes me wish I was born several hundred years in the future, because by then, we will be genetically designed to obey without question, with no personal will or identity of our own. So in that case, we won't know what we've lost, because all the history books, or shall I say history "discs" will have been rewritten. Hopefully, this game plan will be abandoned, and the planned scenario will never happen to us, even though plans have been written for just such a scenario. Hopefully, the decision will be made to abandon this plan and revitalize the world economy without dramatic incident so such draconian methods are not necessary to unite all countries under the one world globalist banner. I don't think anyone is going to resist the transition to a one world police state anyway. Most people just want to be able to pay their bills and get by, and enjoy what little free time they have, no matter what group is ruling. After all, this transition is already being achieved as we speak.

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Robert Nikolaison
Cheviot , New Zealand
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I agree with what you're saying here Tim. Thirty years of reading information has only convinced me that you are almost totally correct and indeed not one once of excageration did you use. For those who think your senario is mainly for the USA, well you guys will find out. Oh yeah Russia and China are all part of the grand scheme regardless of what their leaders tell us. World war three may look like them against us but it will be the illuminati etc who will be working both sides to their advantage. Billions maybe will die soon, not just from war and concentration camps. Wait till we get comulsory vaccination from those darlings who tell us they want us to be saved(liars) from whatever disease they say it is. One thing tho, the bible makes it clear that all the New World Order will be shipwrecked and there is one who is able to put things right. So hope can be found for the future but what terror awaits us first.
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Bring'em on
Nowhere, USA
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yes I must agree. However, one should familiar themselves with the theories and definition of 4th generation warfare. Look for it in wikipedia. That is the scenario you will see here in the states. There will be resistance, snipers, and overall foggy warfare, where combatants and civilians are blended. It will look like Fallujah here in hometown usa. The goverment however is wholly inept, as is evidenced by Hurrican Katrina and Iraq. Thankfully the largest, most sophisticated military force the world has ever seen has yet to control a third world country in 6 years of occupation, let alone it capital city! The government will have its hands FULL with cities such as New York, LA, Detroit, Chicago, Miami, San Franscisco, Seattle, Baltimore, Minneapolis, etc. The smaller towns and cities will be left to defent themselves. Hopefully the government will be consumed in its own inability to do anything efficiently. As we all know, efficient governments tend to do things, well too efficiently,(Nazi Germany-holocaust). So lets all hope that they F*** this all up, lose control and get burned. Thats all we can do. Remember the 4 G's people.....God, Guns, Gold and Groceries. Get them, keep them, hide them. FIGHT!
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Lexington, Kentucky
Friday, October 17, 2008
This article does not accurately portray what will happen OUTSIDE of the United States. Neither China nor Russia nor India nor a host of other countries will submit to "one world rule" by the European and American "powers that be", and they have said so publicly. At best, it may be an accurate reflection of what might happen inside the U.S.

This is a typical Amerocentric point of view that distorts the reality of the world in which we live. If we do not try to understand that there is a different world outside of our borders, we may all end up conscripted to fight for the fascist "powers that be" against the people of the free world, i.e. the non-US world.
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Monday, October 20, 2008

Get a life!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An Amazing Review from 1995, Oh so much more Liberty we have lost!

This video was just two months after the Oklahoma City blast, in June 1995, a U.S. Senate subcommittee held a hearing on citizen militias.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palins Clothes, Republicans Livid, $150,000!

Palins Clothes, Republicans Livid, $150,000!

Since her selection as John McCain's running mate, the Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothing and make-up for Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, and even her infant son, it was reported on Tuesday evening.

That entertaining scoop -- which came by way of Politico -- sent almost immediate reverberations through the presidential race. A statement from McCain headquarters released hours after the article bemoaned the triviality of the whole affair.

"With all of the important issues facing the country right now, it's remarkable that we're spending time talking about pantsuits and blouses," said spokesperson Tracey Schmitt. "It was always the intent that the clothing go to a charitable purpose after the campaign."

But even the most timid of Democrats are unlikely to heed this call for civility. For starters, the story has the potential to dampen enthusiasm among GOP activists and donors at a critical point in the presidential race. It also creates a huge PR headache for the McCain ticket as it seeks to make inroads among voters worried about the current economic crisis.

Mainly, however, Democrats (in this scenario) are not prone to forgiveness. After all, it was during this same campaign cycle that Republicans belittled the $400 haircut that former Sen. John Edwards had paid for with his own campaign money (the funds were later reimbursed). And yet, the comparison to that once-dominant news story is hardly close: if Edwards had gotten one of his legendary haircuts every singe week, it would still take him 7.2 years to spend what Palin has spent. Palin has received the equivalent of $2,500 in clothes per day from places such as Saks Fifth Avenue (where RNC expenditures totaled nearly $50,000) and Neiman Marcus (where the governor had a $75,000 spree).

Beyond the political tit-for-tat, however, the revelation of the clothing expenditures offers what some Democrats see as a chance not just to win several news cycles during the campaign's waning days but to severely damage Palin's image as a small-town, 'Joe Six-Pack' American.

"It shows that Palin ain't like the rest of us," Tom Matzzie, a Democratic strategist told the Huffington Post, when asked how the party would or could use the issue. "It can help deflate her cultural populism with the Republican base. The Plumber's wife doesn't go to Nieman's or Saks."

Indeed, the story could not come at a more inopportune time for the McCain campaign. During a week in which the Republican ticket is trying to highlight its connection to the working class - and, by extension, promoting its newest campaign tool, Joe the Plumber - it was revealed that Palin's fashion budget for several weeks was more than four times the median salary of an American plumber ($37,514). To put it another way: Palin received more valuable clothes in one month than the average American household spends on clothes in 80 years. A Democrat put it in even blunter terms: her clothes were the cost of health care for 15 or so people.

There are, in these cases, legal questions surrounding campaign expenditures. Though, on this front, Palin and the RNC seem to be in the clear.

"I don't think it's taxed," said David Donnelly of Campaign Money Watch. "I don't think she can keep it. It's owned by the RNC. They had to use coordinated funds to pay for the clothes."

And certainly the possibility exists that this issue can be effectively swept under the rug. Palin is not known for taking impromptu questions from the press. Moreover, the media, at this juncture, has other major story lines (see: upcoming election) to grapple with, thus denying the piece the relative vacuum that accompanied the Edwards story. Finally, there is little desire among conservative writers or pundits to litigate the matter, even if they were more than happy to jump on board when a Democrat was in the spotlight.

Several hours after Politico posted its findings, the topic remained nearly untouched by the major right-wing outlets. Though as Marc Ambinder at the Atlantic opined: "the heat for this story will come from Republicans who cannot understand how their party would do something this stupid ... particularly (and, it must be said, viewed retroactively) during the collapse of the financial system and the probable beginning of a recession."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money Funds (Update6)

By Craig Torres and Christopher Condon

Oct. 21 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve will provide up to $540 billion in loans to help relieve pressure on money-market mutual funds beset by redemptions.

``Short-term debt markets have been under considerable strain in recent weeks'' as it got tougher for funds to meet withdrawal requests, the Fed said today in a statement in Washington. A Fed official said that about $500 billion has flowed since August out of prime money-market funds, which with other money-market mutual funds control $3.45 trillion.

The initiative is the third government effort to aid the funds, which usually provide a key source of financing for banks and companies. The exodus of investors, sparked by losses following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., contributed to the freezing of credit that threatens to tip the economy into a prolonged recession.

``The problem was much worse than we thought,'' Jim Bianco, president of Chicago-based Bianco Research LLC, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. Policy makers are trying to prevent ``Great Depression II'' by stemming the financial industry's contraction, he said.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. will run five special units that will buy up to $600 billion of certificates of deposit, bank notes and commercial paper with a remaining maturity of 90 days or less. The Fed will provide up to $540 billion, with the remaining $60 billion coming from commercial paper issued by the five units to the money-market funds selling their assets, central bank officials told reporters on a conference call.

`Lot of Pressure'

``This will take a lot of pressure off the Fed and the Treasury,'' David Glocke, head of taxable money market funds for Valley Forge, Pennsylvania-based Vanguard Group Inc. Glocke said he'll be more willing to shift money he's invested in U.S. Treasuries back into financial-sector commercial paper covered by the plan.

U.S. money-market mutual funds held more than 63 percent of outstanding unsecured commercial paper and 39 percent of asset- backed commercial paper at the beginning of September, according to Alex Roever, a New York-based analyst at JPMorgan.

Commercial paper, which typically matures in 270 days or less, is used by companies to finance payroll, rent and other daily expenses.

The new program is called the Money Market Investor Funding Facility, and officials said it's intended as a backstop for money-market mutual funds to use as needed to meet redemptions.

Liquidity Buffer

Today's action shows that two programs set up last month by the Fed and U.S. Treasury to help money-market funds haven't stabilized the industry. A Fed official told reporters today that the funds don't have much of a liquidity buffer remaining.

Last month, the Fed agreed to give loans to banks so they can buy asset-backed commercial paper from money funds. There was $122.8 billion of such loans outstanding as of Oct. 15. The Treasury separately used a $50 billion emergency pool to offer money funds guarantees against losses.

The central bank's announcement today ``is a big event,'' BlackRock Inc. Chief Executive Officer Laurence Fink said during an earnings conference call with analysts and investors. ``It is the first thawing.''

BlackRock and JPMorgan were members of the consortium of money managers that put together the plan and presented it to the Fed, people briefed on the matter said.

Money-market funds have been hurt by their inability to sell back at par the commercial paper they bought from banks and other issuers, Fed officials said.

The new program ``should improve the liquidity position of money market investors,'' the Fed said in its statement.

Special Units

Each of the five special units will buy assets from up to 10 separate bank and financial company issuers. The program may be expanded to include purchases from other money-market investors.

The special-purpose vehicles will finance 10 percent of their purchases by selling asset-backed commercial paper. That paper won't be eligible for the Fed program that extends credit to banks to buy such assets, a central-bank official said.

The New York Fed will lend the remaining 90 percent to the facilities on an overnight basis at the discount rate, which stands at 1.75 percent.

Each special-purpose vehicle will only purchase debt with the top short-term ratings of A-1, F1 and P-1 given by Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investors Service respectively.

The Fed said the facility will be in place until April 30 unless extended by the Board of Governors. Fed officials said they will announce a start date by the end of the week.

In addition to the three programs to aid money funds, the Fed next week will start an unlimited program to purchase commercial paper directly from issuers, after companies had to pay more to borrow or were cut off from that market.

Turmoil Worsened

Turmoil worsened among money-market funds after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, and the breakdown of the oldest money-market fund the following day.

The $62.5 billion Reserve Primary Fund announced Sept. 16 that losses on debt issued by Lehman had reduced its net assets to 97 cents a share, making it the first money fund in 14 years to break the buck, the term for falling below the $1 a share that investors pay.

Institutional investors have since pulled $341 billion from funds that can invest in corporate debt, or 28 percent of assets in those funds.

The Treasury responded to the initial run three days after the Reserve fund faltered by introducing the guarantee program. While that calmed investors, fund managers didn't resume buying commercial paper because it can't be sold quickly without realizing a loss.

``There have been very few or no bids at all'' in the secondary market, Debbie Cunningham, head of taxable money funds for Pittsburgh-based Federated Investors Inc. Federated had $231.1 billion in money-market funds at the end of August.

``This is another important piece in the puzzle,'' Cunningham said. ``It will be very helpful in bringing more normal market tendencies back for investors.''

To contact the reporters on this story: Craig Torres in Washington at ctorres3@bloomberg.netChristopher Condon in Boston at

Last Updated: October 21, 2008 18:52 EDT

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What Is Fascism, Do We Have It Yet?

"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism
as it is a merge of state and corporate power."
-- Benito Mussolini
(1883-1945), Italian dictator during WW2

“Government price-fixing once started, has alike no justice and no end.
It is an economic folly from which this country has every right to be spared.”
-- Calvin Coolidge
(1873-1933), 30th US President
Source: when vetoing two bills to establish federal controls over agricultural commodities

Fascism is capitalism in decay
Vladimir Lenin

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.
Samual Adams

Communism and fascism or nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority.
more James A. C. Brown quotes

The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist.
more Sir Winston Churchill quotes

The war made possible for us the solution of a whole series of problems that could never have been solved in normal times.
more Joseph Paul Goebbels quotes

Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.
more Joseph Paul Goebbels quotes

The efficiency of the truly national leader consists primarily in preventing the division of the attention of a people, and always in concentrating it on a single enemy.
more Adolf Hitler quotes

All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.
more Adolf Hitler quotes

Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.
more Adolf Hitler quotes

Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?
more Adolf Hitler quotes

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

'It was a take it or take it offer' FASCISM!

'It was a take it or take it offer' FASCISM! FASCISM!

How Paulson nationalized biggest banks in the U.S.
'It was a take it or take it offer'

Posted: October 15, 2008
5:25 pm Eastern

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U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr., armed with a $700 billion authorization from Congress, ordered the chief executives of the nation's nine largest banks to agree to a government purchase of shares in a nationalization even he opposed just days earlier.

"It was a take it or take it offer," one anonymous insider who had been briefed on the meeting told reporters for the International Herald Tribune, which today published an expose of the meeting. "Everyone knew there was only one answer."

In addition to the government demand Monday for the share purchases, federal officials also promised to guarantee, at least for now, $1.5 trillion in new senior debt to be issued by the banks and insure non-interest-bearing accounts that are used mainly for business transactions – another $500 billion, the report said.

That brings the potential taxpayer tab for the "bailout" to $2.25 trillion, triple what Congress envisioned in approving the $700 billion to purchase distressed assets from banking institutions in an attempt to restore confidence in lending and borrowing.

According to the Herald Tribune report, the nine CEOs were summoned to a Treasury Department conference room and handed a one-page document agreeing they would sell shares to the government. Then Paulson said they must sign it.

Some were receptive. However, the report said others, including Wells Fargo chairman Richard Kovacevich, protested, arguing his bank didn't need a bailout.

It didn't matter, according to insiders who talked with the newspaper. Within hours, all executives had provided their signatures.

In a statement one day later, Paulson expressed "regret" at the actions. He said government investments in private banks were "objectionable" but necessary.

The testimony assembled by reporters Mark Landler and Eric Dash said the sudden sea change, from plans to purchase troubled assets to actual government purchase of bank stock, came about because Britain and other nations had announced plans to do exactly the same.

The reporters' account was based on interviews with bank officials and government bureaucrats who either were present or were briefed on the meeting.

The report said none of the executives expected a mandatory program. Paulson's own account of his presentation was succinct.

"I don't think there was any banker in that room who was going to look us in the eye and say they had too much capital," Paulson stated. "In a relatively short period of time, people came on board."

But the newspaper said the terms remained reasonable: The Treasury is buying shares that pay a dividend of 5 percent, rising after five years. It will get the right to purchase common shares but it will not vote those shares.

Questions remained, the report said. Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Vikram Pandit of Citigroup and John Thain of Merrill Lynch and Dimon questioned the terms, wondering whether government now would impact other shareholders and whether it would want control over management.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke then spoke up. He said the banks and the economy both would benefit and suggested without this intervention, even healthy banks could deteriorate, the report said.

Then Timothy Geithner, chief of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, gave the bankers the specifics, including dollar figures. And the CEOs realized that even if they didn't need the infusion, it could work to their benefit, the Herald Tribune said.

Paulson also said the flexibility of the program was a key.

"[If] you don't change to adopt to the facts, you will never be successful," he said in an interview.

Upon completion of the government presentation, the signings took place.

"I don't think we need to be talking about this a whole lot more," a person briefed on the meeting said Lewis announced. "We all know that we are going to sign."

The infusion of cash, however, did anything but stabilize the market, which rocketed more than 900 points on Monday, trembled on Tuesday and plunged more than 700 points today.

Not Enough Money In The World To Fix Things

The Real Monster In The Meltdown Closet
Written By Chris Floyd

The myth has quickly taken hold that the global financial crash was caused by bad mortgages.
This has allowed rightwing hatemongers to blame the meltdown on the "liberal" programs
that encouraged home ownership among a small percentage of lower-income people (a poisonous
canard that parts of the mainstream media have actually done a fairly good job of knocking
down), while "progressives" of various stripes have denounced banks and other financial institutions
for pushing over-easy credit on people who couldn't really afford it.

Unsustainable mortgages are a key factor in the global crash, of course. And many people (most of
them white, by the way) did take out mortgages they would not be able to afford if the housing bubble
ever burst, which it has, most spectacularly. And yes, it is undeniable that the financial services
industry has been tempting people with easy credit like schoolyard pushers flashing reefers.

All of this was bound to end badly, and did. But this alone would not have been enough to threaten
the destruction of the entire global financial system, nor cause the blind, screaming panic that has
strangulated the financial markets, seized up the vital flow of money between banks, and caused the
"free" market-worshipping governments of the Western world to carry out nationalizations and
interventions that, in sheer numbers, dwarf anything ever seen following a Communist revolution.
(As John Lancaster notes in the London Review of Books, the Bush Administration's takeover of
Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac alone was "was, by cash value, the biggest nationalisation in the
history of the world." And that was just the beginning.)

What has struck mortal fear in the heart of markets and governments is not bad mortgages,
but the almost incomprehensibly huge and complex market for "derivatives," based in part on
mortgage debt -- but also on a vast array of other sources that were "securitized," turned into
tradable if ghostly commodities then sold off in a bewildering variety of increasingly arcane forms.
This was accompanied by the expansion of yet another vast market in insurance mechanisms
designed to protect these derivatives -- mechanisms which themselves became "securitized."

At the same time, the financial services industry used its paid bagmen in governments around
the world to loosen almost all restrictions not only on securitization and the trading of derivatives,
but also on the amount of debt that institutions could take on in order to play around in these
vastly expanded and deregulated markets. For example, as Lancaster points out, UK's Barclays
Bank had a debt-to-equity ratio of 63 to 1:
Imagine that for a moment translated to your own finances, so that you could stretch what you
actually, unequivocally own to borrow more than sixty times the amount. (I'd have an island.
What about you?)

The result of all this has been the construction of a gargantuan house of cards, based on next
to nothing, and left alone in the shadow of building "perfect storm" of greed, deregulation and
political corruption.

That storm has now struck. The house of cards has fallen down, and revealed a hole of
derivatives-based debt that could not be filled, literally, by all the money in the world, much
less by the mere trillions that national governments are frantically throwing at it today.

Yes, "mere" trillions. As Will Hutton explains in the Observer:

...the dark heart of the global financial system [is] the $55 trillion market in credit derivatives
and, in particular, credit default swaps, the mechanisms routinely used to insure banks
against losses on risky investments. This is a market more than twice the size of the combined GDP
of the US, Japan and the EU. Until it is cleaned up and the toxic threat it poses is removed, the
pandemic will continue. Even nationalised banks, and the countries standing behind them,
could be overwhelmed by the scale of the losses now emerging.

Try to imagine that: a $55 trillion market now at risk of complete destruction. Even the derivative
debt owed by individual institutions stands at nation-wrecking levels. For example, a single
bank in Britain, Barclays again, holds more than $2.4 trillion in credit default swaps, the tradable
"insurance" mechanism against securities default. This is more than the entire GDP of Great Britain.
If all this paper goes bad, there are not enough assets in the entire country to pay it off. And that's
just one bank, in one country.

Hutton gives the details:

This market in credit derivatives has grown explosively over the last decade largely in response to the
$10 trillion market in securitised assets - the packaging up of income from a huge variety of
sources (office rents, port charges, mortgage payments, sport stadiums) and its subsequent sale as
a 'security' to be traded between banks.

Plainly, these securities are risky, so the markets invented a system of insurance. A buyer of a
securitised bond can purchase what is in effect an insurance contract that will protect him or
her against default - a credit default swap (CDS). But unlike the comprehensive insurance contract on
your car which you have with one insurance company, these credit default contracts can be
freely bought and sold. Complex mathematical models are continually assessing the risk and
comparing it to market prices. If the risk falls, the CDSs are cheap; if the risk rises - because,
say, a credit rating agency declares the issuing company is less solid - the price rises. Hedge funds
speculate in them wildly.

Their purpose was a market solution to make securitisation less risky; in fact, they make it more
risky, as we are now witnessing. The collapse of Lehman Brothers - the refusal to bail it out has
had cataclysmic consequences - means that it can no longer honour $110bn of bonds, nor
$440bn of CDSs it had written. On Friday, the dud contracts were auctioned, with buyers paying a
paltry eight cents for every dollar. Put another way, there is now a $414bn hole which somebody
holding these contracts has to honour. And if your head is spinning now, add the three bust
Icelandic banks. They can no longer honour more than $50bn of bonds, nor a mind-boggling
$200bn of CDSs....

While every bank tries to pass the toxic parcel on to somebody else, the system has to find the money.
So will compensation for the near valueless contracts and thus now uninsured debt ultimately
be made - and by whom? And because nobody knows - not the regulators, banks or governments -
who owns the swaps and whether they are credit-worthy, nobody can answer the question. Maybe
holders of insurance policies will get the cash due to them, but will that weaken somebody else?
The result - panic.

This is the ultra-dangerous downward vortex in which the system is locked. It is why share prices
are plummeting. As recession deepens, there will be defaults on securitised bonds and the
potential collapse of more banks outside the G7 ring-fence. Nobody knows what proportion of
the $55 trillion of credit default contracts that have actually been written will be honoured and
who might bear losses running into trillions of dollars.

This is the beast in the dark that is haunting the feckless leaders of the developed world: $55
trillion of unaccountable debt, and no way of knowing how much of it is even now being flushed
down the toilet, taking the global economy with it.

The massive interventions we are seeing might stabilize the markets temporarily, or at least arrest
their free fall long enough to come up with some kind of massive restructuring of the global
financial system. Or they might not. For it is by no means certain that the wisdom, and the political
courage, to come up with a more viable system can be found among the world's political leaders -- all
of whom, as we noted here the other day, have risen within the present system and, to one degree or
another, owe their own power and privilege to the "malefactors of great wealth" and the extremist
cult of market fundamentalism. There is no indication anywhere that the circle of collusion and
corruption between governments and Big Money has even lessened, much less been broken, by the
economic catastrophe. All of the various bailout plans and "coordinated actions" still have as
their chief aim the preservation of the malefactors in their current state of wealth, privilege and
domination. As Jonathan Schwarz notes:

Still, U.S. elites will try to impose as much of a structural adjustment as they can get away with,
in order to make the bottom 80% of America pay the price for the elites' spectacular screw-ups.
The Washington Post has already started writing about how the current crisis demonstrates
that we must cut Social Security. Look for much more of this to come.

The only slim hope we have for any genuine reform -- even an imperfect, conflicted, compromised
reform, which is the only kind we will ever have in this world, until the lion lies down with the
lamb -- is that the sheer scale of the real problem -- the $55 trillion beast, the very real potential
for the complete destruction of the global economy, and the state power that depends upon it -- might
force some politicians to turn apostate, renounce the market cult, and bite the hands that have fed
them for so long.

Absent this near-miraculous possibility, we will be left with yet another rickety house of cards,
slapped together on the fly -- largely at the malefactors' direction and for their benefit -- while the
beast gapes wide his ponderous jaws, and prepares to swallow us whole.

Friday, October 10, 2008

S to buy stake in banks, first since Depression

Nationalization, It is real! How far can we Let it GO?

By JEANNINE AVERSA, AP Economics Writer 1 hour, 45 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The government will buy an ownership stake in a broad array of American banks for the first time since the Great Depression, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said late Friday, announcing the historic step after stock markets jolted still lower around the world despite all efforts to slow the selling stampede.

Separately, the U.S. and the globe's other industrial powers pledged to take "decisive action and use all available tools" to prevent a worldwide economic catastrophe.

"This is a period like none of us has ever seen before," declared Paulson at a rare Friday night news conference. He said the government program to purchase stock in private U.S. financial firms will be open to a broad array of institutions, including banks, in an effort to help them raise desperately needed money.

The administration received the authority to take such direct action in the $700 billion economic rescue bill that Congress passed and President Bush signed last week.

Earlier Friday, stock prices hurtled downward in the United States, Europe and Asia, even as President Bush tried to reassure Americans and the world that the U.S. and other governments were aggressively addressing what has become a near panic.

A sign of how bad things have gotten: A drop of 128 points in the Dow Jones industrials was greeted with sighs of relief after the index had plummeted much further on previous days. The week ended as the Dow's worst ever, with the index down an incredible 40.3 percent since its record close almost exactly one year earlier, on Oct. 9. 2007.

Investors suffered a paper loss of $2.4 trillion for the week, as measured by the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 index, and for the past year the losses have totaled $8.4 trillion.

It was even worse overseas on Friday. Britain's FTSE index ended below the 4,000 level for the first time in five years; Germany's DAX fell 7 percent and France's CAC-40 finished down 7.7 percent. Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 index fell 9.6 percent, also hitting a five-year low. For the week, the Nikkei lost nearly a quarter of its value. Russia's market never even opened.

Paulson announced the administration's new effort to prop up banks at the conclusion of discussions among finance officials of the Group of Seven major industrialized countries. That group endorsed the outlines of a sweeping program to combat the worst global credit crisis in decades.

Earlier this week, Britain had moved to pour cash into its troubled banks in exchange for stakes in them — a partial nationalization.

Paulson said the U.S. program would be designed to complement banks' own efforts to raise fresh capital from private sources. The government's stock purchases will be of nonvoting shares so it will not have power to run the companies.

The purchase of stakes in companies would be in addition to the main thrust of the $700 billion rescue effort, which is to buy bad mortgages and other distressed assets from financial institutions. The aim is to unthaw frozen credit, get banks to resume more normal lending operations and stave off severe problems for businesses and everyday Americans alike.

It would mark the first time the government has taken equity ownership in banks in this manner since a similar program was employed during the Depression.

In 1989, the government created the Resolution Trust Corp. to deal with the aftermath of the savings and loan crisis. It disposed of the assets of failed savings and loans.

Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke met with their counterparts from the world's six other richest countries late in the day as the rout of financial markets sped ahead despite earlier dramatic rescue efforts in the U.S. and abroad.

In a statement at the end of that meeting, the G7 officials vowed to protect major banks and to prevent their failure. They also committed to working to get credit flowing more freely again, to support the efforts of banks to raise money from both public and private sources, to bolster deposit insurance and to revive the battered mortgage financing market.

They did not provide specifics beyond that five-point framework.

At the White House earlier in the day, Bush said, "We're in this together and we'll come through this together." He added, "Anxiety can feed anxiety, and that can make it hard to see all that's being done to solve the problem."

He made it clear the United States must work with other countries to battle the worst financial crisis that has jolted the world economy in more than a half-century.

"We've seen that problems in the financial system are not isolated to the United States," he said. "So we're working closely with partners around the world to ensure that our actions are coordinated and effective."

The Dow dropped a little over 100 points while he was speaking.

Fear has tightened its grip on investors worldwide even as the United States and other countries have taken a series of radical actions including an unprecedented, coordinated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and other major central banks.

Besides the United States, the other members of the G7 meeting in Washington are Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada. Finance officials also planned to meet with Bush Saturday at the White House.

"We are in a development where the downward spiral is picking up speed," said Germany's Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck, who wanted to see an orchestrated response among the G7.

So did French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who said a "coordinated, synchronized and rightly timed approach" was needed.

An even larger group of nations — called the G20 — will meet with Paulson on Saturday evening. How the world's finance officials and central bank presidents can better contain the spreading financial crisis also will dominate discussions at the weekend meetings of the 185-nation International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Washington.

The British, who recently announced a plan to guarantee billions of dollar worth of debt held by major banks, have been pitching that idea to the rest of the G7 members.

The idea behind all these ideas — as well as bold steps previously announced in recent weeks — is to get credit flowing more freely again.

In the United States, hard-pressed banks and investment firms are drawing emergency loans from the Federal Reserve because they can't get money elsewhere. Skittish investors have cut them off, moving their money into safer Treasury securities. Financial institutions are hoarding whatever cash they have, rather than lending it to each other or customers.

The lending lockup — which is making it harder and more expensive for businesses and ordinary people to borrow money — is threatening to push the United States and the world economy as a whole into a deep and painful recession.

In Europe, governments have moved to protect nervous bank depositors. Germany pledged to guarantee all private bank savings and CDs in the country, and Iceland and Denmark followed suit. Ireland went even further by also guaranteeing Irish banks' debts. The United States will temporarily boost deposit insurance from $100,000 to $250,000 in cases where its banks or savings and loans fail.

The Fed, meanwhile, has repeatedly tapped its Depression-era authority to be a lender of last resort, not only to financial institutions but also to other types of companies. Earlier this week, the Fed said it would buy massive amounts of companies' debts, in another unprecedented effort to break through the credit clog.


Associated Press writers Harry Dunphy, Desmond Butler, Martin Crutsinger and Deb Reichmann contributed to this report.

Following Hitler"s Path In Facism -- Nationalizing the Banks!

No! No! No! This is not right! The United States of America can not do this! It is not consistent with free enterprise and the actions of a republic! This is not the first time either, this is the third time we have nationalized something in the last month! Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now the Banks. What next the automobile industry, maybe restaurants and food services. Who knows, only Bush and his friends!

Stand up for The United States of America a Representative Republic, not a Wiemar repulic for the twenty first century! Only you can save it!

U.S. planning to buy bank stocks

Treasury planning a program to attract private capital alongside public capital to financial institutions.

By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer

NEW YORK ( -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Friday that the U.S. government was working on a plan to buy stock in financial institutions by using part of the $700 billion authorized by Congress to stabilize the financial system.

"We are working to develop a standardized program that is open to a broad array of financial institutions," Paulson said.

"Such a program would be designed to encourage the raising of new private capital to complement public capital," he said following a meeting of G-7 finance ministers and central bankers.

Any shares purchased by the U.S. government would be non-voting shares except, he said, "with the respect to the market standard terms to protect our rights as investors."

Paulson said that developing a standard program is the best way to "use taxpayer money more efficiently and have it go farther."

He didn't specify what the government's terms would be for companies that take part in the capital injection program. When asked whether the Treasury might turn away a financial instruction

"We're working as quickly as possible to unveil the capital plan," Paulson said. "We want to do it as soon as possible, but ... we want it to be right, and we want it to be effective. We're working around the clock."

Earlier this week, the United Kingdom said its Treasury would provide as much as $88 billion to eight big banks in need of capital.

The authority Congress granted to Treasury to use up to $700 billion to stabilize the financial system offers the Treasury a wide range of options, one of which will be to buy troubled assets from financial institutions so that they can get them off their balance sheet and start lending more freely again. But as with the stock purchase plan, exact details of how the troubled asset purchases will work haven't been finalized.

The stock market was thrashed this week as investors have been waiting to get more certainty on how the government's rescue plan will work. The credit markets, which have been seized up, showed a little loosening towards the end of the week but nothing to pop open the champagne over.

"They need the pricing details before there can be any sense of calm in the markets," said Jaret Seiberg, financial services analyst with The Stanford Group, a policy research firm. To top of page