Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thugs or Police?

I am so mad tonight, I don't know that I have ever felt this way! I stopped to get gas here in my own county, which is not Perry! At the same time two big black sport utility vehicles pull up, one on the other side of my pump and one behind me. Out climb what looks to be a Biker gang, four from one vehicle and three from the other! These guys are big, I am by no means little myself, they are wearing black t-shirts with skull and crossbones on the back and Gothic script print.

These guys look like gorillas! I try to mind my own business and just get my gas. When I go in to pay, I end up in the middle of the two groups of men in black. Tthe skull and crossbones are very photo realistic graphics, showing cartilage and marrow on the ends of the bones, and eyes in the sockets of the skull. The script reads Hazard Drug Task Force and on the front pocket Police!

This is creepy, they are trying to look like thugs, goatees, and steroid muscles. I felt like I was in the presence of a Nazi death squad. They were a Gang, showing their gang colors! They were running around trying to look intimidating, not looking like respectable law enforcement, but a GANG! This was not even in their county, it is another whole county!

When does our Peace Officers, become Paramilitary Goons running around in Gangs showing off their colors and graphic sick logos outside their own county! This is nothing like the D.A.R.E. Program!

I am sick of it, we don't need arrogant proud death squads running around on Parade! Oh, yeah it a war on drugs, or is it a War on Americans? These tactics are not winning over drugs and protecting our children! Who or What is the War on Next? Guns, Freedom of Speech, Religion or some other activity!

I wish I would have had a camera tonight! Maybe in the future?

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